Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Billboard Magazine spots

Check out these really cool Billboard Magazine spots by Almap BBDO. They are little 45 second vignettes that chronicle the lives of 50 Cent and Michael Jackson.

50 Cent:

Billboard 50 cent from Animatorio on Vimeo.

Michael Jackson:

Billboard Michael Jackson from Animatorio on Vimeo.

Monday, August 29, 2011

JFK Assassination for Tamiya

This is the new ad campaign for the model kit company, Tamiya, by Ogilvy and Mather. It features pictures of model runners for conspiracy theories. Is it offensive? Probably. I kind of want one...What do you think?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

McGarry Bowen's First BK Spot

McGarry Bowen's first Burger King commercial is set to air today. It can be seen on AdAge. The spot is much more traditional. What do you guys think?
