I was surfing on Youtube today, and a banner ad caught my attention. It was for the 2010 Volvo XC60. The banner had the car driving along and then all the sudden it stops. The caption read: The car that stops itself. Really? This is just scary. Now we'll be having people driving around not paying any attention at all to their surroundings, knowing that their car will just stop for them. I grow weary of what the future holds sometimes. There was however a really neat Twitter co-op ad within the advertisement. The blue bird was in the back, then at the end, it flew to the corner where a live Twitter feed was running for the vehicle. All in all it was a really cool ad execution. The actual commercial (shown below) reminds me of the game "Mirror's Edge," which was a beautiful game. Maybe we will need Old Liberty robot insurance in after all...
2010 Volvo XC60 ad:
Mirror's Edge:

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