For those looking to get into digital and aren't programmers or coders (I'm in this boat too), check out this Ad Age article "Do We Need a New Definition of Creativity?" It breaks down the divide between creatives and strategists and the importance of a strategist in order for the digital creative to work. I love the final paragraph that reads:
Ironically, advertising's creative class needs strategists in order to find their way in the digital world. Those strategists once dismissed as "talkers, not doers," are just as vital to creativity as the guys in the ironic T-shirts who dream of bellying up at the Gutter Bar in Cannes. Or, as leadership consultant Warren Bennis put it, "there are two ways to be creative. One can sing. One can dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish." At the end of the day, to create something needs both.
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