This will be a game of Twitter Tag.
The idea is to see how the connections through followers works and can explode among cyberspace and the Twittersphere itself.
Here’s how it’ll go down:
I will begin by sending this message to just one person.
Tag, you’re it! Join the experiment: http://insidethetoybox.blogspot.com/2009/06/twitter-tag.html
The message will hopefully be read by that person, as well as show up on his feed, then each of his friends will see it and do the same. Everyone who sees it only needs to send it to just one other person. Important note: they must also click the link, because that’s how I will be tracking its effectiveness, through the amount of hits this particular post gets. Not only that, but if it actually does work, then naturally everyone’s statuses will have the message and be tagged.
Good luck, and Tag, you’re it!
**Edit** I JUST found out this was already done, damn. Whatever, this is a learning experience for me. So, please help out anyway. I still think it’s a good idea. (Ach, and only a month ago too! http://tweetcrunch.com/2009/01/05/the-twitter-tag-project/)
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