I just read a very interesting article on Ad Age about how the Occupy Wall Street movement affects marketers. Very insightful!
Read the article here.
At the same time, Occupy and the saga of the 99% has become a bona fide international-social-movement-as-meme, infinitely malleable and clearly tapping into some, to put it in marketing speak, cultural insights.
A survey by the ad agency network Euro RSCG discovered that some of the issues at the center of the protests are weighing heavily on Americans' consciences. Euro's Prosumer Report found that 41% of women and 39% of men were either very worried or extremely worried about the income gap between the rich and poor, while fear of running out of money was also high, vexing 46% of women and 31% of men questioned. To get a sense of how intense these worries are, consider that these rates were roughly comparable to concerns like terrorism and "diminished physical capacity."
Moreover, Occupy does seem to distinguish between financial institutions, who are the clear villains in all this, and other kinds of companies. Many protesters have gone out of their way to explain that the protests are not anti-business, but rather against a particular way of doing business that's fattened up a tiny chunk of the populace, the 1%.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Michael Bay Videogame Ad
So generally I don't much care for director Michael Bay, but I must say, this commercial for the upcoming game "Need For Speed: The Run" is amazing! It's just through editing also, impressive! I now want this game...
michael bay,
need for speed,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Avengers Movie Trailer Debut
Well, it's finally here. Check out the new trailer for the upcoming Marvel movie!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
RIP Steve Jobs
You were truly a visionary and will be greatly missed. Check out this awesome tribute video from Gizmodo here.

steve jobs
Thursday, September 1, 2011
100 years of dance, fashion and music
This is a really cool spot for the opening of Westfield Stratford City.
music video,
westfield stratford city
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Billboard Magazine spots
Check out these really cool Billboard Magazine spots by Almap BBDO. They are little 45 second vignettes that chronicle the lives of 50 Cent and Michael Jackson.
50 Cent:
Michael Jackson:
50 Cent:
Billboard 50 cent from Animatorio on Vimeo.
Michael Jackson:
Billboard Michael Jackson from Animatorio on Vimeo.
50 cent,
billboard magazine,
michael jackson
Monday, August 29, 2011
JFK Assassination for Tamiya
This is the new ad campaign for the model kit company, Tamiya, by Ogilvy and Mather. It features pictures of model runners for conspiracy theories. Is it offensive? Probably. I kind of want one...What do you think?

Saturday, August 20, 2011
McGarry Bowen's First BK Spot
McGarry Bowen's first Burger King commercial is set to air today. It can be seen on AdAge. The spot is much more traditional. What do you guys think?
burger king,
McGarry Bowen
Thursday, July 28, 2011
And the Old Spice Battle is on!
Uhoh, it's on now! The TRUE fight for supremacy!
isaiah mustafa,
old people
Mano A Mano en el Bano
For those of you who may have missed it, the internet duel of the century just took place yesterday....Isaiah Mustafa, Old (Old) Spice Guy Vs. Fabio the New Old Spice Guy...Choose who you want to win, go Team Old Spice Guy!
Watch here.
Fabio challenge:
Mustafa's Response:
Thank you for choosing Old Spice Guy:
Fabio's love letter:
Watch here.
Fabio challenge:
Mustafa's Response:
Thank you for choosing Old Spice Guy:
Fabio's love letter:
isaiah mustafa,
old spice
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Intel - The Museum of Me
Here's a wonderful site from Intel that collects data from your Facebook profile and creates a museum for you! It's called the Museum of Me. Make one and share it with your friends on Facebook. The ending is pretty fantastic too.
the museum of me,
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Portal 2 Campaign - Investment Opportunities

A friend and I just beat the co-op missions for the new game "Portal 2." I must say that not only was it a terrific game, there was a terrific ad campaign that went along with it. The voiceover is done by actor J.K. Simmons who is Cave Johnson in the game. He also did a great campaign for the game Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3.
command and conquer,
jk simmons,
portal 2,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
New Old Spice Guy
Weiden + Kennedy have come out with a new spokesman for Old Spice. What are your thoughts on the new Old Spice guy? Personally, I dig him.
old spice,
Little Thor
Hahaha, here's a commercial for the upcoming Thor movie that parodies the popular Volkswagen superbowl spot:
Little Thor,
Monday, April 11, 2011
I See Dead Ad Jobs

Wow, here's an insightful and inspiring article by Luke Sullivan, author of "Hey Whipple, Squeeze This."
Click here to read.
future of advertising,
luke sullivan
Friday, April 1, 2011
Twitter infographic
Wow, check out this awesome video that encapsulates the sharing of information on Twitter over a 24 hour span in London.
Tweets are shown as red circles, and re-tweets as yellow points moving in the direction of information
London Tweets 24h from Anders Johansson on Vimeo.
Tweets are shown as red circles, and re-tweets as yellow points moving in the direction of information
Mix like Pogo - Oregon Lottery
This is soooo cool! I love Pogo! Now you can mix like him too! Check out the Oregon Lottery's interactive music creator using soundbytes and tracks laid by Pogo:
Listen to my mix
Original Commercial:
Listen to my mix
Original Commercial:
oregon lottery,
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Skittles: Touch the Rainbow
BBDO Toronto has just released a new interactive video campaign for Skittles. These are pretty hilarious and oh so weird as usual!
Cage Cop:
War Finger:
Skittles Girl:
Cage Cop:
War Finger:
Skittles Girl:
viral video,
Monday, March 21, 2011
Power Rangers, assemble!
This is insane. This new Power Ranger series combines every Power Ranger ever created:
power rangers,
Childish Gambino - Freaks and Geeks
You might know hip-hop artist Childish Gambino by another name, Donald Glover from Derrick Comedy and NBC's "Community." How'd he get his name? Running his name through a Wu-Tang Clan name generator. (What's mine? Sarkastik Mercenary) He's a pretty kickass rapper for sure, check out his new track "Freaks and Geeks."
childish gambino,
donald glover,
Disney XD Campaign
Wow, this is a killer campaign for various Disney XD Shows. I don't watch Disney nor do I have XD, but that doesn't mean these commercials aren't down right awesome.
Pair of Kings:
Suite Life of Zach and Cody:
Zeke and Luther:
I'm in the Band:
Pair of Kings:
Disney XD - Pair of Kings from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.
Suite Life of Zach and Cody:
Disney XD - Suite Life from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.
Zeke and Luther:
Disney XD - Zeke and Luther from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.
I'm in the Band:
Disney XD - I'm in the Band from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.
Adidas is All In
Are you all in? I know I am! I do so love Adidas. Check out their new spot set to Justice's new track "Civilization":
adidas originals,
Juicy Fruit commercial
Yet another commercial with that weird guy (Keenan Cahill) who lip syncs, this time to Devo's "Whip It":
juicy fruit,
keenan cahill,
music video,
whip it
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Jennifer Aniston Sex Tape
Not really, but hey, that's what they decide to call it in the end of this video for Smart Water. Jennifer Aniston teaches us how to make a video go viral:
jennifer aniston,
smart water,
viral video
Monday, March 7, 2011
Skittles Blnders
I do so enjoy TBWA/Chiat/Day's Skittles commercials:
tbwa chiat day
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Super Bowl commercial mashup
Adweek has combined every commercial from this year's superbowl and created a 2 minute mashup. Awesome!
super bowl
Levi's Chambray Commercial
Wow, here's an almost magical commercial for Levi's. It's been a while since i've seen a commercial this fun. It definitely made me smile!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Isaiah Mustafa, the Old Spice Guy, is back!
He's back and I can't wait!
isaiah mustafa,
old spice
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Heineken's "Open Your World" campaign
This is one of the best ad campaigns I've seen in a while. Heineken always has really great ads, and these are no different. It's for their "Open Your World" campaign. There is a main 90 second commercial spot, that also has a 3 minute long music video by "The Asteroids Galaxy Tour." Not only that, but the campaign showcases additional videos giving further insight to some of the characters featured in the commercial. It kind of reminds me of a Wes Anderson film.
"The Entrance":
"The Perfect Gift":
"The Dancing Waiter":
"Gorgeous Girls":
"Kung Fu Comeback":
View more on the Heineken Youtube page.
"The Entrance":
"The Perfect Gift":
"The Dancing Waiter":
"Gorgeous Girls":
"Kung Fu Comeback":
View more on the Heineken Youtube page.
music video,
open your world,
the asteroids galaxy tour,
wes anderson
Monday, January 17, 2011
She & Him - "Don't look back"
Today was a good day. Today I discovered She & Him. And yes, that's Zooey Deschanel. Remember her singing in "Elf?" Good stuff. This music video is quite fun and retro.
"Don't look back"
"Don't look back"
music video,
she and him,
zooey deschanel
Things real people don't say about advertising
Now THIS is the photo blog for ad men. Things real people don't say about advertising. So true, so true, haha.

Saturday, January 8, 2011
How to Get a Media Job: The New Rules
Check out this really insightful blogpost with terrific advice on how to get a job in (new) media from Ryan Geddes at IGN.com.
How to Get a Media Job: The New Rules
I’ve spent the last few days looking through hundreds of job applications, and it’s sent my mind a-reeling. There are a lot of talented, creative people out there whose resumes, cover letters and writing samples paint them as the rock stars they likely are. But there are far more who have no idea how to apply for a job in the media business. The first 50 utterly off-base applications I read made me angry. Why are these people wasting my time? How could they think this OK? As I read the next 50, I settled into resigned apathy. Oh well. Delete, delete, delete. But then I realized each bored deletion I made was a lazy contribution to the problem. Clearly these people had never been taught how to apply for a job in my world. Even applicants with a fair amount of experience and interesting backgrounds were burying themselves under the dust of ancient rules about resumes, cover letters, references and introductions. Their colleges, parents and mentors had failed them.
I can’t tell you how to be a badass. I can’t mold you into a journalistic superhero. I can’t tell you how to develop a potent mix of personality, precision, thoughtfulness, talent and drive. That’s your job. But if you’ve already achieved a healthy mix of those things, then I can help you get noticed. So put down that Cover Letters For Dummies book you bought at Borders and read this instead. If you’re a recent J-school graduate, chances are your professors are still referring to online outlets as “New Media.” But my aunt had a baby boy 10 years back, and I stopped referring to him as “new” about eight years ago. New media is just media now, just like the PlayStation 3 stopped being “next-generation” the day it was released.
The Message is the Message
Speaking of cover letters, let’s never speak of them again. E-mail is the main way you’ll be applying for any media job. And when was the last time you sent someone an e-mail with nothing in the body? The cover letter is now the body of the e-mail you send to the hiring manager. Imagine an inbox with 600 e-mails in it. Would you want to open multiple attachments for each e-mail without having the slightest hint about their worth? My ideal job application is an e-mail with a catchy (but not loquacious) subject line. The body of the e-mail serves as the cover letter. It is informative, intriguing, and professional but laced with personality. The signature includes links to the applicant’s social media sites, city of residence, e-mail address and phone number. There is at least one attachment: the resume.
I Don’t Care About Your GPA
You can’t hide from inexperience. I can sense it like Private Hudson senses aliens. So peppering your resume with lies is pointless. If you don’t meet the requirements for a position but feel strongly that something in your background still warrants consideration, show me why. Please do not include your grade point average (mastery of school is not a predictor of success in this business), fraternity/sorority affiliations or Microsoft Office proficiency. If you don’t know how to use Microsoft Word, I’ll know. Lists of software knowledge are fine, as long as they are relevant, but they’re pointless on their own. If you’re a PhotoShop hero, send me a sweet .PSD. If you know how to use FinalCut Pro, send me a link to a video you made. The key to a good resume is tailoring the description of your experience specifically to the position. If I haven’t read anything about gaming, writing, creating or publishing by the second bullet point, I’m out.
Give a Damn About Your Words
If you looked up the definition of “loquacious” above, then you’re on the right track. Words matter, even if you’re writing for video. In our business, they’re the foundation for everything we do. But writing well is not enough. We’re looking for a voice. Who are you? What do you have to say? What motivates you? Who are you picturing in your head when you write? All this should seep into your words and the structures of your sentences. If that sounds ridiculous to you, then you should not be applying for a writing job. Notice I didn’t say the writing had to be perfect. That’s just because I haven’t gotten to that bit yet. I’m half kidding. We all make mistakes. Every day. You might have seen one on IGN today. But you (the applicant) only have one chance to impress a hiring manager. Keep the mistakes to a nearly transparent sliver. When I’m reading a job application, I overlook one typo. If I find another, I roll my eyes and start skimming. If I see a third, I delete the application.
Leveraging the Social Graph to Pilot the Zeitgeist and Incentivize User-Created Ecologies
Yeah, I get it. You think Twitter is dumb, and you’re bored with Facebook. So apply for a job as a bread maker or something. Media professionals live online now, and they straddle a strange line between always-on company representative and lone actor. You should already be active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or some new hotness that I haven’t even heard of yet. Can you share those links with pride? If not, why not? You should be building your own personal brand with an authentic voice, not because you feel like you should, but because you just can’t help yourself. Five years ago, local news channels reported breathlessly about job seekers whose potential employers looked them up on the Facebookers and were aghast at what they found. Old.
This Is Relevant to My Interests
You might be a good writer. You might have an encyclopedic knowledge of a topic that matters to the hiring manager. You might be so creative that your pants hurt. Great! Now turn that into something I can relate to. Because I manage an editorial department, I’m looking for attached writing samples, links to your hilarious (relevant) video or a peek at the web site you tailored for me with custom CSS. And how does all that relate directly to the company I work for? Gone are the days when you could simply mail an editor a resume, cover letter and packet of clips. Things are immediate now, like it or not. I want the whole picture at once, and I want it now. I want to click through you. Make that easy for me.
You Again?
Media companies tell stories. Is that what you’re truly interested in doing? If so, then start with your application. No, I’m not talking about kicking off your cover letter with, “It was a dark and stormy night…” After you’re done putting your application together, print everything out, lay it on a table, and think about whether it really tells your story. If not, mark it up and go back to the drawing board (hint: this is what your job will eventually be like). That doesn’t mean I want to know what you enjoy eating for breakfast, or who you slept with last night. I want to know what you’d be like to work with, what your strengths are, and who you might develop into professionally. If you’re convinced you nailed that and you don’t get a response to your perfectly crafted masterpiece, follow up a few days, weeks or months later. Hiring managers like to think they’re good at this sort of thing, but sometimes it’s a crapshoot. Oh, and no oversharing. Google it.
As I mentioned earlier, this is not a secret key to media employment. If you don’t have what it takes (yet) then none of this will help you. But it’s a start, and I hope it will be useful to people who are about to enter the job market or are still toiling in the relative obscurity of entry level. Searching for your dream job is a tiny hell, but it’s one of the most worthwhile endeavors you can undertake. It takes time, effort and dedication. Each hour you put it off is one more hour you’ll have to spend getting it right once you finally decide you’re worth it.
I wrote this post because IGN is always looking for an amazing new editor (editorialjobs@ign.com), but I also felt the genuine need to reach out to new talent, wherever it may be. If you’ve read this far, then you’ve earned the right to read the less-than-140-character version: “Tell your story authentically. Respect your audience. Find your voice. Make it easy. Don’t be a jerk.”
-Ryan Geddes
How to Get a Media Job: The New Rules
I’ve spent the last few days looking through hundreds of job applications, and it’s sent my mind a-reeling. There are a lot of talented, creative people out there whose resumes, cover letters and writing samples paint them as the rock stars they likely are. But there are far more who have no idea how to apply for a job in the media business. The first 50 utterly off-base applications I read made me angry. Why are these people wasting my time? How could they think this OK? As I read the next 50, I settled into resigned apathy. Oh well. Delete, delete, delete. But then I realized each bored deletion I made was a lazy contribution to the problem. Clearly these people had never been taught how to apply for a job in my world. Even applicants with a fair amount of experience and interesting backgrounds were burying themselves under the dust of ancient rules about resumes, cover letters, references and introductions. Their colleges, parents and mentors had failed them.
I can’t tell you how to be a badass. I can’t mold you into a journalistic superhero. I can’t tell you how to develop a potent mix of personality, precision, thoughtfulness, talent and drive. That’s your job. But if you’ve already achieved a healthy mix of those things, then I can help you get noticed. So put down that Cover Letters For Dummies book you bought at Borders and read this instead. If you’re a recent J-school graduate, chances are your professors are still referring to online outlets as “New Media.” But my aunt had a baby boy 10 years back, and I stopped referring to him as “new” about eight years ago. New media is just media now, just like the PlayStation 3 stopped being “next-generation” the day it was released.
The Message is the Message
Speaking of cover letters, let’s never speak of them again. E-mail is the main way you’ll be applying for any media job. And when was the last time you sent someone an e-mail with nothing in the body? The cover letter is now the body of the e-mail you send to the hiring manager. Imagine an inbox with 600 e-mails in it. Would you want to open multiple attachments for each e-mail without having the slightest hint about their worth? My ideal job application is an e-mail with a catchy (but not loquacious) subject line. The body of the e-mail serves as the cover letter. It is informative, intriguing, and professional but laced with personality. The signature includes links to the applicant’s social media sites, city of residence, e-mail address and phone number. There is at least one attachment: the resume.
I Don’t Care About Your GPA
You can’t hide from inexperience. I can sense it like Private Hudson senses aliens. So peppering your resume with lies is pointless. If you don’t meet the requirements for a position but feel strongly that something in your background still warrants consideration, show me why. Please do not include your grade point average (mastery of school is not a predictor of success in this business), fraternity/sorority affiliations or Microsoft Office proficiency. If you don’t know how to use Microsoft Word, I’ll know. Lists of software knowledge are fine, as long as they are relevant, but they’re pointless on their own. If you’re a PhotoShop hero, send me a sweet .PSD. If you know how to use FinalCut Pro, send me a link to a video you made. The key to a good resume is tailoring the description of your experience specifically to the position. If I haven’t read anything about gaming, writing, creating or publishing by the second bullet point, I’m out.
Give a Damn About Your Words
If you looked up the definition of “loquacious” above, then you’re on the right track. Words matter, even if you’re writing for video. In our business, they’re the foundation for everything we do. But writing well is not enough. We’re looking for a voice. Who are you? What do you have to say? What motivates you? Who are you picturing in your head when you write? All this should seep into your words and the structures of your sentences. If that sounds ridiculous to you, then you should not be applying for a writing job. Notice I didn’t say the writing had to be perfect. That’s just because I haven’t gotten to that bit yet. I’m half kidding. We all make mistakes. Every day. You might have seen one on IGN today. But you (the applicant) only have one chance to impress a hiring manager. Keep the mistakes to a nearly transparent sliver. When I’m reading a job application, I overlook one typo. If I find another, I roll my eyes and start skimming. If I see a third, I delete the application.
Leveraging the Social Graph to Pilot the Zeitgeist and Incentivize User-Created Ecologies
Yeah, I get it. You think Twitter is dumb, and you’re bored with Facebook. So apply for a job as a bread maker or something. Media professionals live online now, and they straddle a strange line between always-on company representative and lone actor. You should already be active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or some new hotness that I haven’t even heard of yet. Can you share those links with pride? If not, why not? You should be building your own personal brand with an authentic voice, not because you feel like you should, but because you just can’t help yourself. Five years ago, local news channels reported breathlessly about job seekers whose potential employers looked them up on the Facebookers and were aghast at what they found. Old.
This Is Relevant to My Interests
You might be a good writer. You might have an encyclopedic knowledge of a topic that matters to the hiring manager. You might be so creative that your pants hurt. Great! Now turn that into something I can relate to. Because I manage an editorial department, I’m looking for attached writing samples, links to your hilarious (relevant) video or a peek at the web site you tailored for me with custom CSS. And how does all that relate directly to the company I work for? Gone are the days when you could simply mail an editor a resume, cover letter and packet of clips. Things are immediate now, like it or not. I want the whole picture at once, and I want it now. I want to click through you. Make that easy for me.
You Again?
Media companies tell stories. Is that what you’re truly interested in doing? If so, then start with your application. No, I’m not talking about kicking off your cover letter with, “It was a dark and stormy night…” After you’re done putting your application together, print everything out, lay it on a table, and think about whether it really tells your story. If not, mark it up and go back to the drawing board (hint: this is what your job will eventually be like). That doesn’t mean I want to know what you enjoy eating for breakfast, or who you slept with last night. I want to know what you’d be like to work with, what your strengths are, and who you might develop into professionally. If you’re convinced you nailed that and you don’t get a response to your perfectly crafted masterpiece, follow up a few days, weeks or months later. Hiring managers like to think they’re good at this sort of thing, but sometimes it’s a crapshoot. Oh, and no oversharing. Google it.
As I mentioned earlier, this is not a secret key to media employment. If you don’t have what it takes (yet) then none of this will help you. But it’s a start, and I hope it will be useful to people who are about to enter the job market or are still toiling in the relative obscurity of entry level. Searching for your dream job is a tiny hell, but it’s one of the most worthwhile endeavors you can undertake. It takes time, effort and dedication. Each hour you put it off is one more hour you’ll have to spend getting it right once you finally decide you’re worth it.
I wrote this post because IGN is always looking for an amazing new editor (editorialjobs@ign.com), but I also felt the genuine need to reach out to new talent, wherever it may be. If you’ve read this far, then you’ve earned the right to read the less-than-140-character version: “Tell your story authentically. Respect your audience. Find your voice. Make it easy. Don’t be a jerk.”
-Ryan Geddes
job hunting,
social media
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Lake Superior State University banished the term "viral"
That's right, the hot term "viral" that we all love to hate has been banished at Lake Superior State University. Each year the college comprises a the "List of Words Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness for 2010." Of which, "viral" was one. The usage of "Facebook" and "Google" as verbs also made the list. A few others mentioned were "epic," "fail," and Sarah Palin's "refudiate."
Read more here.
Read more here.
lake superior state university,
Embrace Life PSA
I somehow missed this beautiful PSA for seatbelt safety that came out this year. It isn't extreme and dangerous as most are, but chooses instead to take a more heartfelt approach. Check it out here:
embrace life,
seatbelt safety
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