Friday, August 27, 2010

Creatives vs. Strategists

For those looking to get into digital and aren't programmers or coders (I'm in this boat too), check out this Ad Age article "Do We Need a New Definition of Creativity?" It breaks down the divide between creatives and strategists and the importance of a strategist in order for the digital creative to work. I love the final paragraph that reads:

Ironically, advertising's creative class needs strategists in order to find their way in the digital world. Those strategists once dismissed as "talkers, not doers," are just as vital to creativity as the guys in the ironic T-shirts who dream of bellying up at the Gutter Bar in Cannes. Or, as leadership consultant Warren Bennis put it, "there are two ways to be creative. One can sing. One can dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish." At the end of the day, to create something needs both.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Women, stop falling down the stairs

Why are women always falling down the stairs? You women are so clumsy...wait, oooooh, I get it. Check out this rather powerful PSA from Young & Rubicam Germany deterring women from, falling down the stairs.

I still think this might be my favorite though:

Gary Busey gets you yours

Gary Busey would make the ultimate lawyer, why? He scares the living hell out of anyone and everyone. Gary Busey is, Norman Tugwater...Fantasy Sports Attorney. If you're into fantasy sports, then maybe you should think about these messages from Vitamin Water at

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lance Armstrong is Radio Shack's Mobility Officer

Take a memo...
So I don't watch much television, but I'm glad I decided to the other day (apparently these have been on for the last two months?). I was able to see the Radio Shack ads featuring Lance Armstrong. I'd say these are a cross between the Old Spice guy and the PS3 Kevin Butler ads. These made me laugh!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vitamin Water Ad

I just saw this cool sidebar ad for Glaceau Vitamin Water and thought I'd share.

The McCrosswalk

Are you an after hours athlete?

Droga5 never ceases to amaze. This is a new video for Puma Social honoring the "after hours athletes."

...When last call calls, don't answer.

Everything Ages Fast, vintage poster style

I've always been fascinated with the art and design of the 1950's. Check out these vintage ads for Facebook, Twitter and others. These were done by Moma Propoganda for a campaign entitled "Everything Ages Fast."

Fiat Makes Music Videos...and tweaks your nipples

What does this music video have anything do to do with Fiat and their new Punto Evo? I have no idea, but I really dig the song and the video and am glad they did it! I'm interested in seeing where this leads. This video is the result of a collaboration between Fiat and Faithless and I can't wait to see more of them.

Baby Fishermen

Baby fishermen rock! Check out these ads from fishing retailer Okuma and the "Born to Fish" campaign that features babies with beards and such that look like grungy old fishermen. Personally, I love it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

P&G increases ad spending to $1 billion

In the words of Kel Mitchell on Nickelodeon's "All That," GOOD LORDIE THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY!

It was just released that Procter and Gamble had increased ad spending to a whopping $1 billion this past fiscal year. It wasn't money completely wasted however, earning a 4% increase in organic sales growth and an 8% volume growth.

"Put simply, we would have been crazy to do anything else," Mr. Moeller (Chief Financial Officer) said of the spending increase. "If you look at the strength of the innovation program that was coming to market, we literally took every resource available to us and put it behind those innovations."

Read the entire AdAge article here.

The Internet Case Study Book

I've just read an amazing book that I suggest to anyone in advertising, let alone the digital advertising field. It's called the "Internet Case Study Book." This bible of interactive campaigns contains hundreds of the most successful websites ever created, ranging from promotional to e-commerce, to social media and corporate websites. These case studies are broken down and described in detail by either the client or the advertiser who worked on them.

My favorite aspect of the book is that each section opens with words of insight from iconic advertisers such as Alex Bogusky (previously of Crispin, Porter + Bogusky), and Jeff Goodby of Goodby Silverstein and Partners. It's a very quick read and you can read a few passages at a time. Don't pass this one up. You can purchase the book and even read the first 100 pages for free here.

Being an advertising graduate trying to get into the field, this was a great resource for me to learn more about the digital space and it's offerings, while providing key insights and strategies for me to use later on in my career.