Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Non-humans Banned!: District 9 Ad campaign

I love it when ad campaigns for movies or games or anything really does their campaigns like this. Taking the story, and making it a reality. As they did in the Command & Conquer campaign with the presidential race, the upcoming movie District 9 is doing the same. Think Starship Troopers, but in real life.

Essentially a race of aliens (or non-humans) had landed on Earth, and our planet is keeping them captive and not letting them leave. A culture of proud to be human and racism towards the extraterrestrial race has been created. The website for the film follows this too, working as a sort of neighborhood watch and alert system for aliens.


There is even a separate microsite for one of the companies in the movie, complete with a careers listing page (I'm looking for a job, maybe I'll apply!)

Accompanying PSA's were created as well to further ground the campaign in realism. They even have user submitted psa's for further engagement. Here is one of them:

Overall this campaign is dynamite, and I hope more campaigns follow this approach. This is what an interactive campaign should be. It really makes for a deeper interaction with the movie and the brand.

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