Friday, April 24, 2009

Youthful innocence

What is it about our childhood that has fostered a memory bank of useless knowledge of biblical proportions? I can remember so many commercials that were on when I was younger. What makes these commercials any different than the ones I see on today? I can remember those so vividly, but I couldn't tell you McDonald's ads from last week. Maybe it was because I did nothing but watch television and was very impressionable. However the argument can be made that some strange quality in 90's advertisements made them more memorable. What is it that made me and all my friends remember every word to the epic "Crossfire" commercial, or the angry old lady in the BK Ratchtech spot? Would the ads from our childhood stand up to the ads of today? I turn to you readers, and ask you for your thoughts on today's topic.

And now to bring you back, I give you the Crossfire and BK Ratchtech commercials:

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